How to Navigate This Blog...

This blog will contain my writing assignments, as well as journaling about my thoughts on writing and reading. How can you find what you want to read? Here's a list of the labels (actual label words I use are in bold font) I will be using and what they refer to. Labels can be found at the end of each post itself.


Fiction Assignment: refers to assignments from the book “Now Write! Fiction Writing Exercises From Today’s Best Writers”
 Subcategories (refers to the section of the book): Get Writing; Point Of View; Character Development; Dialogue; Plot and Pacing; Setting and Description; Craft; Revision

Nonfiction Assignment: refers to assignments from the book “Now Write! Nonfiction”
 Subcategories (refers to the section of the book): Get Writing; Truth in Nonfiction; Memories and Inspiration; Characterization; Place; Voice, Dialogue, and Sound; Craft; Revision

Personal Writing: refers to writing that I’ve done simply for my own pleasure, not an assignment
 Subcategories: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry


Journal Entry
Reading: to my thoughts on something I’m currently reading.
Writing: my thoughts on writing in general.
Writing Assignment: my thoughts on writing assignments from either of the books. I may be stuck or trying to explain or work out something I’m writing in these entries.
General: pretty much anything else.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Guest Blog - Humor

I decided to try my hand at humorous writing when a friend was looking for a humorous article for her organizing blog.  She wanted something upbeat and fun about the pitfalls of being disorganized.  My post is now live and you can read it on Green Apple Organising's blog...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Westmont Writer's Group - Mystery Bag Assignment

Last Thursday I went for the first time to a meeting of local writers at our library.  It was a neat experience to be in the room with others who love to write and I really enjoyed myself.  One of the things they do often is have writing exercises.  Last week's exercise was the mystery bag.  We each had to put our hand into a brown paper bag and feel what was inside... no peeking allowed.  We then had 5 minutes (and ONLY 5 minutes) to write something about it.   Note... the picture at the bottom is not the actual object from the bag, but close to what I envisioned.

When I reached in the bag I felt a large iron bell.  This reminded me of the kind of bell that used to be used as a doorbell before the horrid elecronic versions.  I imagined a house in a small village long ago and the bell as a family heirloom....

The constant knocking on the door was beginning to drive Bianca insane.  Where could the bell possibly have gotten to and how could it have gone missing on such an important day?  Her sister Josie's engagement party had officially begun over 30 minutes ago, but guests were still arriving in droves.  Bianca missed the melodic tones of the iron bell and remembered how the two sisters had sat at the top of the stairs when they were younger waiting for hours just to hear it ring once.

Oh well, she thought, there's simply no time to look for it today.

She slouched back to the party just in time to see her sister opening a gloriously wrapped purple box with fancy ribbon that she knew was from their mother and watched her sister pull out the bell.